Which Are The Signs That Indicate I Should See a Dentist?
27 Nov. 2019

Which Are The Signs That Indicate I Should See a Dentist?

Nowadays it is important to prevent our oral health problems, rather than fix them. Dental and health organizations advised that people should go to the dentist at least twice a year for regular check-ups and professional cleanings. In this way they can prevent gum disease and dental cavities. The first step is to find a dentist you feel comfortable with and then respect your appointments.
Most issues that occur with your teeth and gums are not emergencies and ca wait until an appointment with your dentists. But there are cases when your symptoms require immediate dental attention.  

  • Toothache – if you experience a tooth pain, this could mean that you have a cavity or it can be a sign of gum disease. In some cases a toothache can be a sign of an abscess or an impacted tooth. It is important to see a dentist before it progresses into a worse problem.
  • Sensitive teeth – if your teeth hurt when you drink hot or cold beverages, this means you may have sensitive teeth. This sensitivity can be caused by a decay in the tooth, a worn filling, worn tooth enamel or an exposed root surface resulting from gum recession.
  • Swollen or bleeding gums – this symptom may be a sign of gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease, or the result of brushing too hard or wrongly flossing . If there is plaque build-up on the teeth, the gums can also bleed and swell.
  • Chipped or cracked tooth – these are considered serious dental problems that require an immediate visit to the dentist. A chipped tooth may occur from a hard fall or some kind of trauma. Chewing on a hard piece of candy can also result in a chipped tooth. Left untreated, these kind of problems can be incredibly painful and create bigger problems.
  • A sore that isn’t healing. If you notice a mouth sore, a lump or a red or pale patch of skin on your tongue, cheek or gum, please keep an eye on it. If it does not disappear in a couple of weeks, make an appointment to your dentist. This can be a sign of oral cancer.
  • A bad smell or taste in your mouth. Sometimes bad breath may be a signal for some dental problems such as gum disease, sinusitis, throat or lung infections, tooth decay or an abscess.
  • Discolored or stained teeth – they can be the result of eating certain foods, of drinking coffee or tea, smoking, aging, injuries, some medications. You can check with your dentist your options for stain removal.
  • Dry mouth – can be a problem because saliva is the mouth’s primary defense against tooth decay. Your dentist will recommend something to moisture your mouth.
  • A tooth loss – may be caused by periodontal disease or by an accidental impact to your mouth.
  •  Wisdom tooth symptoms. If there isn’t enough space for your wisdom teeth to erupt, they can become impacted, which can cause tenderness and swelling. Schedule an appointment and take into account your dentist’s advice.  

As a conclusion, is better to prevent than to treat a health issue. Do not forget to brush your teeth twice a day, for two minutes each time, floss and rinse your mouth with a mouth rinse. Also see your dentist twice a year for professional cleanings. In case you need further information or you have a dental issue, call today to make an appointment. Dr. Arhiri is here to help.
