
28 Mar. 2024
The Cardiac – Oral Health Connection: Understanding the Link for a Healthier You
In recent years, the connection between oral health and overall well-being has garnered increasing attention from medical professionals. One of the most intriguing and significant links discovered is the relationship between cardiac health and oral hygiene. At Premier Smiles, we believe in promoting comprehensive health care, and understanding this connection is crucial for maintaining not just a beautiful smile, but a healthy heart as well.
15 Feb. 2024
4 Things To Know Before Getting Dental Implants
If you are considering dental implants, it is important to gather all the necessary information to make an informed decision. In this article, we will discuss four essential things that you should know before getting dental implants.
27 Nov. 2019
Can travel affect my oral health? Some tips for excellent oral health while traveling by plane.
When you are traveling for business purposes or for pleasure, it may happen that you have problems with assuring your oral hygiene.
27 Nov. 2019
3 interesting things in dentistry
In dentistry, as in other areas, there are some interesting or weird facts. In today’s article we will find out more about tattooed teeth, about alternatives to common toothpaste and in the end we will discover some home remedies for toothaches.
27 Nov. 2019
How does thumb sucking affect my child’s teeth?
Thumb sucking is a natural reflex for a child that can often be seen in the womb during development.
26 Nov. 2019
I have crooked teeth. What are my options? About orthodontics (teeth straightening)
There are a lot of people who avoid smiling because they do not like their teeth. We all know that a beautiful smile can improve your self-confidence and also your social life.
26 Nov. 2019
The link between Botox and teeth grinding. Could Botox help grinders?
Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding or teeth clenching involves excessive grinding of the teeth, usually without the person realizing they are doing it.
26 Nov. 2019
Shark tooth regeneration versus human tooth regeneration
More and more Americans have problems with their teeth. This is because of genetic reasons and also because of poor oral hygiene.
26 Nov. 2019
Prefabricated blood vessels may contribute to the improvement of the root canal treatment
A root canal procedure is a dental procedure during which a specialist removes the pulp inside the tooth, cleans, disinfects, and shapes the root canals, and places a crown on the portion of the remaining tooth.
26 Nov. 2019
Can alcohol damage your teeth?
Moderate alcohol consumption can be part of a healthy lifestyle, but when you drink more than you should, your overall health an oral health can be badly affected.
26 Nov. 2019
Is dental fear real?
Dental fear or dental anxiety is a fear that makes people feel that a simple appointment to their dentist is the most terrifying thing that could happen to them.
26 Nov. 2019
Is it true that Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Your Career? Or it is just a myth?
We often associate “cosmetic dentistry” with dental work which has the role to improve the appearance of our mouth, teeth, gums and smile.
26 Nov. 2019
Pregnancy and oral health. Should we go to the dentist during pregnancy?
If you are pregnant or if you intend to become a mother in the next future, we are sure that one of the questions that crosses your mind is whether is safe or not to visit your dentist during this period of time.
26 Nov. 2019
A healthy smile says a lot about how you take care of yourself inside and out!
A healthy smile says a lot about how you take care of yourself inside and out. Having great style, being fit, attractive, and having a great smile are all part of creating  that successful first impression
26 Nov. 2019
As a rule of thumb people associate dentistry with pain, expense and inconvenience!
As a rule of thumb people associate dentistry with pain, expense and inconvenience!
26 Nov. 2019
Dental implications of scuba diving
Scuba diving is a sport that is enjoyed by about 4 million people in the Unites States. But do you know that you should visit your dentist before diving?
26 Nov. 2019
Fluoride and the strength of your teeth
Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent cavities, by making the tooth enamel (the hard surface of the tooth) more resistant to the acid attacks that cause tooth decay.
26 Nov. 2019
To floss or not to floss?
For a long time, dentists have said that flossing is an essential part of our oral hygiene. And they strongly recommended it to their patients.
26 Nov. 2019
Interesting things about teeth and dentistry
Although going to the dentist is a relatively new habit, proofs show that people have been using toothpaste since around 500 B.C.